Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most commonly asked questions
Use the Web site search feature at the top right of this page or refer to the Parent/Student Handbook to find more information. You may contact the school office staff at 425-936-2600 if your question is not answered here.
- When do I find out who my child's teacher is?
- When will I find out where my child will catch the bus?
- What if my child wants to go home with someone else?
- How do I volunteer to help in my child's classroom?
- How does my child buy school lunch?
- Can my child just buy milk?
- Can I come to school recess/lunch time whenever I want?
- My child has a food allergy, how des the school deal with this?
- My child needs to take medication at school. What do I need to do?
- How do I know if my child is too sick for school?
- What should I do if I have determined that my child is too sick for school?
- What if it is raining during my child's recess time?
- What should I do if my child arrives after school has started?
- What do I need to do to take my child out of school early for an appointment?
- How can I join the PTSA?
- How can I get to know other parents?
- Where should I park when dropping off or picking up my child from school?
- Is there daycare at Lakeview before or after school?
- Are there extra-curricular activities?
- How do I contact my child's teacher or the principal?
- Q. What supplies will my child need for school?
- A. PTSA has generously volunteered to provide supplies for all students, these will be distributed to teachers to then have for the students use during the school year. Any supplemental needs will be provided by your students' teacher.
- Q. When do I find out who my child's teacher is?
- A. Classroom assignments are posted at the school the day of the Meet and Greet which is held the week before school begins.
- Q. When will I find out where my child will catch the bus?
- A. The Transportation Department will mail out cards with information on the time and place for pick up. Cards are usually mailed in late August. Bus information will also be available at the Meet and Greet. You can also find bus information on the district web site.
- Q. What if my child wants to go home with someone else?
- A. Please send a note to school with your child. Your child will need to bring this note to the office to receive a bus pass. This pass will then be given to the bus driver. Your child cannot get on a different bus or off at a different stop without a note from home. If it is a last minute change, call the office; but parents should try to limit the number of times that class instruction time is interrupted.
- Q. How do I volunteer to help in my child's classroom?
- A. Teachers have sign-up sheets available during Curriculum Night, or you may contact your child's teacher directly (staff directory). For the safety of our students, all volunteers must go through the district's volunteer application process before beginning their assignment.
- Q. How does my child buy school lunch?
- A. Students may bring a packed lunch from home or purchase lunch (or purchase just milk) from the school cafeteria. Please visit the district website to learn more about menus, payment, and setting up your student's MySchoolBucks account.
- Q. Can my child just buy milk?
- A. Yes, milk costs 50 cents.
- Q. Can I come to school recess/lunch time whenever I want?
- A. Whenever you visit school, you must check in at the office. You may visit during lunch and even purchase a school lunch if you wish. Check the daily schedule to find out when lunch time is for your child. Other visitation times must be scheduled with the teacher.
- Q. My child has a food allergy, how does the school deal with this?
- A. Please inform your child's teacher and clearly state the allergy(s) on both their Emergency Card and their orange Nurse Alert Card which will be sent home in the First Day Packet.
- Q. My child needs to take medication at school. What do I need to do?
- A. All medications will need a doctor's prescription and a signed medical form available from the office. Parents must also sign off on the form. All medications include over the counter and prescription drugs. School staff are only allowed to administer medications that can be swallowed.
- Q. How do I know if my child is too sick for school?
- A. Your child should be fever-free for 24 hours and not have vomited for 24 hours before returning to school. Children will not be kept in from recess due to sickness. If they are too sick to go out to recess they should stay home. View the district website for information on when your child is too sick for school.
- Q. What should I do if I have determined that my child is too sick for school?
- A. Please call in all absences or late arrivals to Lakeview's main office at 425.936.2601.
- Q. What if it is raining during my child's recess time?
- A. Students will go out to recess in the rain (hood or hat recommended). Indoor "rainy day recess" will only take place in the case of severe weather conditions such as thunder, lightning, or extreme rain and wind. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately (hood or hat recommended) to be outside for recess.
- Q. What should I do if my child arrives after school has started?
- A. Please have your child check-in at the office and pick up a late slip. If your child is unsure where their class is, a staff member will walk them to class.
- Q. What do I need to do to take my child out of school early for an appointment?
- A. Please come to the office to sign out your child. The office will call the teacher to request dismissal of your student Do not go directly to the classroom. Teachers will send the parent back to the office.
- Q. How can I join the PTSA?
- A. Membership forms are sent home with students in their First Day packet. Membership forms are also available at the Meet and Greet, and at curriculum Night in September. You can also register to join here.
- Q. How can I get to know other parents?
- A. Working in the classroom and volunteering for PTSA events provide terrific opportunities to meet other parents and children. A school directory is published by the PTSA in the fall which contains contact information.
- Q. Where should I park when dropping off or picking up my child from school?
- A. There are two areas designated for drop off and pick up of students. You may use the State Street Loop or the marked area at the front of the school for temporary parking when dropping off or picking up your child. If you wish to walk your child to their classroom or enter the school, please park in a designated parking spot rather than the drop off/pick up areas. More Information
- Q. Is there daycare at Lakeview before or after school?
- A. Yes, the Extended Day Program provides a child care program before and after school for students at Lakeview Elementary. This program is run through the Lake Washington Extended Day Program. For schedules and applications you may call 425.936.1175 or visit their website.
- Q. Are there extra-curricular activities?
- A. Yes, the PTSA coordinates many enrichment programs and clubs before and after school. Click here for more information.
- Q. How do I contact my child's teacher or the principal?
- A. You may call 425.936.2600 or email them directly. Staff directory with email information