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Students & Families

Parents play an essential role in Lakeview’s success.

Late or Absent
Please call our Safe Arrival Phone at 425.936.2601 if your student will be late or absent from school. Since elementary-aged children are dependent on adults to help them arrive at school on time each day, we would appreciate a commitment to getting all students here by 9:15 a.m.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
The school grounds can be a very busy area before and after school. Parking is difficult and traffic is congested during these times, so we highly recommend that your child walk to school (suggested routes) or ride the school bus. Bus transportation is provided for many students. Check the Bus Finder for bus information for your address. If you have questions about where the bus stops and pick-up times, call the Transportation Department at (425) 882-5120. Help us keep the students safe by following our Traffic Plan.
School Messenger
This automated phone system, to notify parents of special events and information. This communication system will also be used to alert parents to an emergency situation at or near the school. Flyers from community organizations other than Lakeview and LWSD are available at the office and online.
First Day Packet
Is ONLINE this year! Forms are categorized as required or optional. Print and return to school during our Back to School Night or during the first week of school. These documents include vital information and forms provided by the school administration and PTSA.
Bad Weather Days
Both this website and the LWSD website have an alert system that will reveal a bright red square with information on the home page during an emergency. The decision to start late or to close is made around 5 a.m., and posted by 5:30 a.m. A recording is also left on the main district telephone number, 425.702.3200. If there is an emergency situation specific to Lakeview during school hours and you are instructed to pick your child(ren) up, please bring your photo I.D. and be prepared to follow direction from emergency personnel. Bad weather bus routes.
Before and After School Care
The Extended Day Program provides a child care program before and after school for students at Lakeview Elementary. This program is run through the Lake Washington Extended Day Program. More Information
Parent Access
Parent Access is a District tool designed to help parents stay informed and engaged with their students' education. It allows parents to view their students' attendance and grades in addition to adding money to a students’ lunch account.
Parent Access Support
Getting started
In addition to communication from your child's classroom teacher, school-wide information is provided electronically using both School Messenger and Lakeview Message. You are automatically signed up for these messages through the Lakeview SIS. School Messenger is used for information that you need right away (e.g. a late bus, a special event reminder). The Lakeview Message includes many topics designed to keep you informed about your child's education and school.  
Stay informed about school and PTSA events by viewing the Tandem online calendar: You can find the Tandem Calendar by clicking on “Calendar” at the top of this page. You don’t have to sign in to view the calendar. But if you create an account, you can track activities at any school in the district. This makes it easy to stay organized with students’ activities at different schools. Click on “sign in” to create a My Tandem account. More Information

Need a calendar of PTSA and school events to hang on your fridge? When viewing the calendar, click the printer icon above the calendar on the right to send it to your printer. If you’d rather download the events to your personal online calendar (Outlook, Google, etc.), click on the neighboring “Add to my calendar” icon and follow the instructions.

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