P.E. Department
Get Moving
Welcome to Lakeview's Physical Education Department.
John Owens, PE teacher
Lakeview Elementary has a dedicated sports gym, including a traversing wall to allow plenty of room for group activities. Our goal is to have fun and stay fit the entire year by exploring various physical activities. Some of the units covered are:
- Volleyball
- Badminton
- Bowling
- Hockey
- Tennis
- Soccer
- Kickball
- Cup Stacking
- Basketball
- Dance
- Cooperative Games
- Scooter Games
- Pickleball
- Golf
Please let your student's P.E. teacher know if your child has health problems that could impact their participation in P.E., such as diabetes, asthma or a heart condition. Make sure to send your child to school ready to participate on P.E. days by making sure they are wearing proper shoes (no heels, clogs or boots) and clothing to be active.
Students are not graded on how good they are at sports; but are graded on their effort, listening skills, attitude, sportsmanship, and cooperation. On P.E. day, each class is given a group grade (stars ranging from 1 to 5, 5 stars being the best) for behavior and participation.